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International Civic Service commitment

Contact :[Noémie Do Linh->mailto:[email protected]]

The Civic Service commitment is a volunteer scheme introduced by the law of 10 March 2010 on Civic Service. It forms part of a youth policy aimed at national cohesion and social mixing as part of a collective interest project.

It is managed by the [Agence du Service Civique->] of which France Volontaires is one of the 4 founder members. France Volontaires contributes to the assessment of international projects ; in 2012, there were 200 new host projects in some forty countries. 

Since its creation in 2010, more than 640 volunteers have committed themselves* :

  • average length of missions : 8.5 months
  • geographical locations : 74 host countries, 66% of them with missions in Europe and North America and 34% in the rest of the world.
  • average age : 22.5 with a majority of 23 to 25-year olds (60%)
  • 62% of those committed are women and 38% men
  • they are mainly young job seekers (40%) and students (39%)
  • most of them are qualified (73% levels I, 2 and 3)

See all the [international civic service offers here->].
* sources : Agence du Service Civique- Etat des lieux on 31/12/12

Who ?

It is intended for

  • young people aged from 16 to 25 (you can sign a contract at any time up to the eve of your 26th birthday)
  • no qualification or professional experience conditions
  • French citizens who want to carry out their mission abroad,
  • Europeans or nationals from countries hosting French volunteers, to carry out their mission in France in a reciprocal exchange scheme.

Why ?

Civic Service is the bringing together of a project of public benefit (an association or community) and a personal project of voluntary commitment.

The interest for the host partner :

Young volunteers represent a new resource in your organisation, but beyond this, they bring a new perspective to your organisation, question its values, the way it runs and its daily routine. They stimulate new dynamics and help to carry out concrete actions.

The interest for the sending partner :

  • Developing tutoring skills through Civic Service, receiving training,
  • Strengthening existing partnerships and creating new ones,
  • Being involved in the teaching of citizenship and in the personal development of volunteers.

The interest for the volunteer

  • Doing something useful for society, meeting the needs of the people in a community,
  • Getting to know another culture or society and returning home all the richer for this shared experience,
  • Receiving civic and citizenship training and individual tutoring for planning your future career,
  • Developing new skills.

How ?

What fields does VSI cover ?

Culture and leisure activities, international development and humanitarian actions, education for all, environment, remembrance and citizenship, health, solidarity, sport.

What kinds of project ?

Promoting international solidarity and teach development

  • bringing awareness to the general public of the challenges of international solidarity ;
  • running workshops, organise games aimed at education and development ;
  • taking part in information and mobilisation campaigns on issues of general or current interest
  • organising meetings to inform people about international projects.

Taking part in local exchange and development projects

  • working with local teams and international solidarity volunteers (VSI) to run projects ;
  • supporting the development of decentralised cooperation programmes ;
  • taking part in organising and running project sites and international exchanges.

For how long ?

From 6 months minimum to 12 months maximum, all or part of which can take place internationally.

What statutory guarantees are there ?

The conditions are given in the [Civic Service commitment contract->]. The volunteer benefits from :

  • a monthly indemnity during his period of commitment
  • complete social protection
  • complementary insurance (repatriation).
  • civic and citizenship training with individual accompaniment [as part of the tutoring->] included in the scheme.

What specific measures are there ?

[The approval of host projects->] is obligatory ; the application is made by the partner organisation in France to the Agence du Service Civique or to a Direction Régionale or to a Départementale de la Jeunesse et de la Cohésion sociale.

How much does it cost ?

The French State pays for* :

  • The volunteer’s monthly indemnity : 507.20 € (paid to the volunteer)
  • His social security in France and abroad : 105.91 € / month

It shares :

  • the cost of civic and citizenship training : 150 € per volunteer
  • the cost of hosting and tutoring : 100 €/month (paid to the approved organism)

The approved organism in France shares in :

  • paying the monthly indemnity : 106.31 €/month payable in kind
  • the costs or organising the civic and citizenship training for volunteer to prepare his departure abroad

Internationally, the sharing of the complementary costs is negotiated between the participants in the host project (sending partner, host partner and volunteer) :

  • Visa cost
  • International travel expenses (plane tickets)
  • Living expenses in the host country (accommodation, meals, local travel, means of communication)
  • The means required for the mission

*2013 Agence du Service Civique scale

Focus & illustrations

The main programmes of International Civic Service :

  • Haiti programme
  • [Mali-Niger reciprocity programme->]
  • Martinique / Peru programme
  • [Oceania Voluntary Service programme->]

[More programmes->]